Keeping Girls in School


In rural areas many girls are too embarrassed to attend school during their monthly periods. The main reason for this is that they cannot afford to buy sanitary towels.

When funds are available Care for Uganda supplies afri-pads. These are washable sanitary towels which last for one year.

Parents and teachers are concerned about students’ awareness of sexual health and development. We are working with them to train and deliver programmes in schools to help in this aspect.

Recent research has shown a high level of sexual assaults on girls and young ladies in rural areas. The research appears to indicate that not wearing a bra may indicate poverty and powerlessness in these situations. Having discussed this issue with the District Health Officer for Luwero, we have launched a programme to try to play a part in reducing the high levels of sexual assaults through discussing the issues involved with students.

Care for Uganda are able to provide bras for those girls unable to buy their own. We work closely with schools in the distribution of bras.